middleware('auth'); } /** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable */ public function index() { /* if(Auth::user()->role_id==7) { return redirect(route('company')); } if(Auth::user()->role_id==6) { $progress = collect(DB::select("select round((( sum( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) ) ) / nullif( sum( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4)) ) ,0)) * 100) as progress from master_project mp where mp.company_id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $param['progress'] = $progress->progress; $param['listProject'] = DB::select("select mp.id, mp.project_name, null as team_role_id from master_project mp where mp.company_id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]); } else { $progress = collect(DB::select("select round((( sum( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) ) ) / nullif( sum( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4)) ) ,0)) * 100) as progress from master_project mp join master_team mt on mt.team_code = mp.team_code and mt.member_id = :id where mp.company_id = :compId",['id' => Auth::user()->id, 'compId' => Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $param['progress'] = $progress->progress; $param['listProject'] = DB::select("select mp.id, mp.project_name, mt.team_role_id from master_project mp join master_team mt on mt.team_code = mp.team_code and mt.member_id = :id where mp.company_id = :compId",['id' => Auth::user()->id, 'compId' => Auth::user()->company_id]); } $param['top5RunningProject'] = DB::select("select mp.project_name, (DATE_PART('day', concat(mp.due_date,' 00:00:00')::timestamp - concat(CURRENT_DATE,' 00:00:00')::timestamp)) as days_left, round(coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float),0)*100),0)) as progress, (CASE WHEN (mp.logo_url is not NULL) THEN mp.logo_url ELSE mc.logo_url END) as logo_url from master_project mp left join master_company mc on mc.id = mp.company_id where mp.company_id = ? and (DATE_PART('day', concat(mp.due_date,' 00:00:00')::timestamp - concat(CURRENT_DATE,' 00:00:00')::timestamp)) > 0 order by days_left LIMIT 5",[Auth::user()->company_id]); $param['sp'] = collect(DB::select("select count(mp.id) filter (where mp.status_id = 3) as project_done, count(mp.id) filter (where mp.status_id not in (4)) as all_project, coalesce(sum((select count(mpt.id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and mpt.status_id = 3)),0) as task_done, coalesce(sum((select count(mpt.id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and mpt.status_id not in (4))),0) as all_task from master_project mp where to_char(mp.created_at,'yyyy') = ? and mp.company_id = ?",[date('Y'), Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $param['top5Wi'] = DB::select("select mu.id, mu.full_name, mu.image_url, munit.unit_name, coalesce(sum(rcl.bobot),0) as idx from master_user mu left join master_project_task mpt on mpt.pic_id = mu.id and status_id in (1,2) left join ref_critical_level rcl on mpt.critical_level_id = rcl.id left join master_unit munit on munit.id = mu.unit_id where mu.company_id = ? group by mu.id, mu.full_name, mu.image_url, munit.unit_name order by idx desc",[Auth::user()->company_id]); */ $param['request'] = DB::table('ref_request')->get(); $param['level'] = DB::table('ref_critical_level')->get(); $param['getUser'] = DB::table('master_user as mu') ->leftJoin('ref_division as rd', 'rd.id', '=', 'mu.division_id') ->leftJoin('ref_role as rr', 'rr.id', '=', 'mu.role_id') ->leftJoin('master_client as mc', 'mc.id', '=', 'mu.client_id') ->select('mu.*', 'rd.definition as division', 'rr.definition as role', 'mc.client_name') ->where('mu.id', Auth::user()->id) ->first(); if(Auth::user()->role_id==1) { $param['stat'] = collect(DB::select("select sum(stat_new) as stat_new, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_cancel) as stat_cancel, sum(stat_overdue) as stat_overdue, sum(stat_done) as stat_done from (select count(mpt.id) as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 7 union select 0 as stat_new, count(mpt.id) as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, count(mpt.id) as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id in (6, 8) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, count(mpt.id) as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, count(mpt.id) as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 5 and status_approve = true) as x", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]))->first(); /* $param['listoverdue'] = DB::select("select mpt.*, (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) as days_left from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 order by mpt.id limit 5", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); */ $param['client'] = DB::table('master_client')->where('id', Auth::user()->client_id)->first(); $param['project_pm'] = DB::table('master_project')->where('client_id', Auth::user()->client_id)->get(); } else if(Auth::user()->role_id==4 || Auth::user()->role_id==5) { $param['stat'] = collect(DB::select("select sum(stat_new) as stat_new, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_cancel) as stat_cancel, sum(stat_overdue) as stat_overdue, sum(stat_done) as stat_done from (select count(mpt.id) as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id = 7 union select 0 as stat_new, count(mpt.id) as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, count(mpt.id) as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id in (6, 8) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, count(mpt.id) as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt left join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, count(mpt.id) as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id = 5 and status_approve = true) as x", ['client' => Auth::user()->client_id]))->first(); /* $param['listoverdue'] = DB::select("select mpt.*, (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) as days_left from master_project_task mpt left join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 order by mpt.id limit 5", ['client' => Auth::user()->client_id]); */ $param['client'] = DB::table('master_client')->where('id', Auth::user()->client_id)->first(); $param['project_pm'] = DB::table('master_project')->where('client_id', Auth::user()->client_id)->get(); } else { $param['stat'] = collect(DB::select("select sum(stat_new) as stat_new, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_cancel) as stat_cancel, sum(stat_overdue) as stat_overdue, sum(stat_done) as stat_done from (select count(mpt.id) as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id = 7 union select 0 as stat_new, count(mpt.id) as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, count(mpt.id) as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id in (6, 8) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, count(mpt.id) as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, count(mpt.id) as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id = 5 and status_approve = true) as x"))->first(); /* $param['listoverdue'] = DB::select("select mpt.*, (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) as days_left from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 order by mpt.id limit 5"); */ $param['client'] = DB::table('master_client')->get(); $param['project_pm'] = DB::table('master_project')->get(); } // return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.dashboard.index', $param); return $this->bsGetView('content.dashboard.index', $param); } public function changeYearsStatistik(Request $request) { $data = collect(DB::select("select count(mp.id) filter (where mp.status_id = 3) as project_done, count(mp.id) filter (where mp.status_id not in (4)) as all_project, coalesce(sum((select count(mpt.id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and mpt.status_id = 3)),0) as task_done, coalesce(sum((select count(mpt.id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and mpt.status_id not in (4))),0) as all_task from master_project mp where to_char(mp.created_at,'yyyy') = ? and mp.company_id = ?",[$request->tahun, Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); return response()->json(['data' => $data]); } public function laporanProject(Request $request) { $param['type'] = $request->get('type'); $param['title_progres'] = ''; if(Auth::user()->role_id==1) { $param['stat'] = collect(DB::select("select sum(stat_new) as stat_new, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_cancel) as stat_cancel, sum(stat_overdue) as stat_overdue, sum(stat_done) as stat_done from (select count(mpt.id) as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 7 union select 0 as stat_new, count(mpt.id) as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, count(mpt.id) as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id in (6, 8) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, count(mpt.id) as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, count(mpt.id) as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 5 and status_approve = true) as x", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]))->first(); } else if(Auth::user()->role_id==4 || Auth::user()->role_id==5) { $param['stat'] = collect(DB::select("select sum(stat_new) as stat_new, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_cancel) as stat_cancel, sum(stat_overdue) as stat_overdue, sum(stat_done) as stat_done from (select count(mpt.id) as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id = 7 union select 0 as stat_new, count(mpt.id) as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, count(mpt.id) as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id in (6, 8) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, count(mpt.id) as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt left join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, count(mpt.id) as stat_done from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mp.client_id = :client and mpt.status_id = 5 and status_approve = true) as x", ['client' => Auth::user()->client_id]))->first(); } else { $param['stat'] = collect(DB::select("select sum(stat_new) as stat_new, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_op) as stat_op, sum(stat_cancel) as stat_cancel, sum(stat_overdue) as stat_overdue, sum(stat_done) as stat_done from (select count(mpt.id) as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id = 7 union select 0 as stat_new, count(mpt.id) as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, count(mpt.id) as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id in (6, 8) union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, count(mpt.id) as stat_overdue, 0 as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >= 0 union select 0 as stat_new, 0 as stat_op, 0 as stat_cancel, 0 as stat_overdue, count(mpt.id) as stat_done from master_project_task mpt where mpt.status_id = 5 and status_approve = true) as x"))->first(); } /* if($request->get('percent')) { if($request->get('percent')=='lbh70') { $param['title_progres'] = 'Progress Lebih Dari 70%'; } else if($request->get('percent')=='btwn5070') { $param['title_progres'] = 'Progress Diantara 50% dan 70%'; } else if($request->get('percent')=='krg50') { $param['title_progres'] = 'Progress Dibawah 50%'; } } */ $param['level'] = DB::table('ref_critical_level')->where('is_active', true)->get(); $param['status'] = DB::table('ref_status')->where('is_active', true)->whereNotIn('id',[7,8,4])->orderBy('id')->get(); $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['type'=>'laporan_project', 'model'=>$request->get('type')]); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.laporanProject', $param); } public function approve_css(Request $request) { $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['type'=>'approve_css']); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.approve_css', $param); } public function approve_helpdesk(Request $request) { $param = []; return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.approve_helpdesk', $param); } public function detail_approve_helpdesk($id) { $param['title_progres'] = ''; $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['id' => $id, 'type'=>'detail_approve_helpdesk']); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.detail_approve_helpdesk', $param); } public function helpdesk(Request $request) { $param = []; return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.helpdesk', $param); } public function helpdesk_data(Request $request) { $keyword = $request->get('keyword'); $projects = DB::table('master_client as mc') ->when ( !is_null($keyword), function ($query) use($keyword) { return $query->whereRaw("LOWER(mc.client_name) LIKE '%" . strtolower($keyword) . "%'"); }) /* ->when ( !is_null($wherePercent), function ($query) use($wherePercent) { return $query->whereRaw($wherePercent); }) */ ->orderBy('mc.client_name') ->paginate(4); $param['projects'] = $projects; $param['paginateLinks'] = (string) $projects->links(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 200, 'data' => $param ]); } public function detail_helpdesk($id) { $param['title_progres'] = ''; $param['level'] = DB::table('ref_critical_level')->where('is_active', true)->get(); $param['status'] = DB::table('ref_status')->where('is_active', true)->get(); $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['id' => $id, 'type'=>'detail_helpdesk']); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.detail_helpdesk', $param); } public function get_dokumen(Request $request) { $data['task'] = DB::table('master_project_task')->where('id', $request->id)->first(); $data['crtName'] = collect(DB::select("select full_name from master_user where id = ?",[$data['task']->user_crt_id]))->first(); $data['approveName'] = collect(DB::select("select full_name from master_user where id = ?",[$data['task']->user_approve_it]))->first(); if($request->type) { $data['dokumen'] = DB::table('master_project_task_document as mptd') ->where('type_doc', $request->type) ->where('project_task_id', $request->id) ->get(); } else { $data['dokumen'] = DB::table('master_project_task_document as mptd') ->where('project_task_id', $request->id) ->get(); } foreach ( $data['dokumen'] as $item ) { $item->space_url_doc = null; if ( SpaceController::checkFileIfExists($item->url_doc) ) { $item->space_url_doc = SpaceController::getFile($item->url_doc); } } return response()->json(['data' => $data]); } public function projects(Request $request) { $param['totalProject'] = collect(DB::select("SELECT count(id) AS total_project FROM master_project"))->first(); // $param['totalProject'] = 0; $param['client'] = DB::table('master_client')->get(); // $arrayListProject = DB::table('master_project')->selectRaw("replace(replace(array_agg(id)::text,'{',''),'}','')")->first(); $param['project_pm'] = DB::connection('pgsql2')->table('master_project')->get(); // dd($param);exit(); /* $param['list_project'] = DB::select("SELECT mp.id, (CASE WHEN (mp.logo_url is not NULL) THEN mp.logo_url ELSE mc.logo_url end) as logo_url, mp.project_name, mu.unit_name, substring(mp.project_detail,1,30) as project_short, mp.project_detail, (SELECT count(id) FROM master_team WHERE team_code = mp.team_code) AS member, mp.due_date, mp.days_overdue, mp.status_id, rs.definition as status_project FROM master_project mp LEFT JOIN master_company mc ON mc.id = mp.company_id JOIN master_unit mu ON mu.id = mp.unit_owner_id JOIN ref_status rs on rs.id = mp.status_id ORDER BY mp.created_at"); */ $param['type'] = 'projects'; $param['percent'] = $request->get('percent'); // return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.projects.index', $param); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.index', $param); } public function data_projects(Request $request) { /* $wherePercent = null; if($request->get('percent') == 'krg50') { if(Auth::user()->role_id == 6) { $wherePercent = 'coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float),0)*100),0) < 50'; } else { $wherePercent = 'coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4) and mpt.pic_id = '.Auth::user()->id.')::float),0)*100),0) < 50'; } } else if($request->get('percent') == 'btwn5070') { if(Auth::user()->role_id == 6) { $wherePercent = 'coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float),0)*100),0) between 50 and 70'; } else { $wherePercent = 'coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4) and mpt.pic_id = '.Auth::user()->id.')::float),0)*100),0) between 50 and 70'; } } else if($request->get('percent') == 'lbh70') { if(Auth::user()->role_id == 6) { $wherePercent = 'coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float),0)*100),0) > 70'; } else { $wherePercent = 'coalesce((((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3)::float) / nullif(((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4) and mpt.pic_id = '.Auth::user()->id.')::float),0)*100),0) > 70'; } } */ $keyword = $request->get('keyword'); $projects = DB::table('master_project as mp') ->leftJoin('master_client as mc', 'mc.id', '=', 'mp.client_id') ->selectRaw('mp.*, mc.client_name, mc.logo_url, substring(mp.project_detail,1,30) as project_short') ->when ( !is_null($keyword), function ($query) use($keyword) { return $query->whereRaw("LOWER(mp.project_name) LIKE '%" . strtolower($keyword) . "%'"); }) /* ->when ( !is_null($wherePercent), function ($query) use($wherePercent) { return $query->whereRaw($wherePercent); }) */ ->orderBy('mp.created_at', 'desc') ->paginate(3); $param['projects'] = $projects; $param['paginateLinks'] = (string) $projects->links(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 200, 'data' => $param ]); } public function myProjects(Request $request) { $param['list_project'] = DB::select("select mp.id, (CASE WHEN (mp.logo_url is not NULL) THEN mp.logo_url ELSE mc.logo_url end) as logo_url, mp.project_name, rs.definition as status_project, mp.status_id, count(mpt.id) filter (where mpt.status_id<>4 and mpt.pic_id = :id) as total_task, count(mpt.id) filter (WHERE mpt.status_id=3 and mpt.pic_id = :id) as total_done, mp.team_code, mt.team_role_id from master_project mp left join master_company mc on mc.id = mp.company_id left join master_team mt on mt.team_code = mp.team_code left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mp.status_id and rs.company_id = mp.company_id left join master_project_task mpt on mp.id = mpt.project_id where mt.member_id = :id group by mp.id, mp.logo_url, mc.logo_url, mp.project_name, rs.definition, mt.team_role_id",['id' => Auth::user()->id]); $param['type'] = 'myProjects'; // return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.projects.myProjects', $param); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.myProjects', $param); } public function kanbanProject($id, Request $request) { $param['idProject'] = $id; $param['namaProject'] = collect(DB::select("select project_name from master_project where id = ?",[$id]))->first(); $param['status'] = DB::select("select * from ref_status where company_id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]); $team_role_id = collect(DB::select("select mt.team_role_id from master_team mt join master_project mp on mp.team_code = mt.team_code where mp.id = ? and mt.member_id = ?",[$id, Auth::user()->id]))->first(); $param['team_role_id'] = $team_role_id->team_role_id; $param['member_id'] = $request->get('member_id'); $param['member_team'] = DB::select("select mt.member_id, mu.full_name, rtr.definition from master_team mt join master_project mp on mp.team_code = mt.team_code left join master_user mu on mu.id = mt.member_id left join ref_team_role rtr on rtr.id = mt.team_role_id and mp.company_id = rtr.company_id where mp.id = ? order by mt.team_role_id",[$id]); $param['type'] = 'kanbanProjects'; // return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.projects.kanbanProject',$param); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.kanbanProject', $param); } public function budgeting_project($id, Request $request) { $param['id_project'] = $id; $param['team_role_id'] = $request->get('team_role_id'); $param['dataHead'] = collect(DB::select("select * from master_project where id = ? ", [$id]))->first(); $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['type'=>'budgeting_project','id_project'=>$id,'team_role_id'=>$request->get('team_role_id')]); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.budgeting_project', $param); } public function mng_meeting($id, Request $request) { $param['id_project'] = $id; $param['team_role_id'] = $request->get('team_role_id'); $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['type'=>'mng_meeting','id_project'=>$id,'team_role_id'=>$request->get('team_role_id')]); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.mng_meeting', $param); } public function detailProjects(Request $request) { $param['id'] = $request->get('id'); $param['dataHead'] = collect(DB::select(" select mp.id, (CASE WHEN (mp.logo_url is not NULL) THEN mp.logo_url ELSE mc.logo_url end) as logo_url, mp.project_name, mu.unit_name, (select mu.full_name from master_user mu join master_team mt on mt.member_id = mu.id where mt.team_role_id = 1 and mt.team_code = mp.team_code) as PM, mp.project_detail, mp.start_date, mp.due_date, mp.status_id, rs.definition as status_project, (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4)) as jml_task, (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id =3) as jml_task_done, (select count(id) from master_project_comment mpc where mpc.project_id = mp.id) as jml_comment, (select string_agg(concat(image_url,'|',mu.full_name),',') from master_user mu join master_team mt on mt.member_id = mu.id where mt.team_code = mp.team_code) as foto_member, mp.team_code, mp.unit_owner_id, mp.start_date as tgl_mulai, mp.due_date as tgl_selesai, mp.budget_amount, mp.outstanding from master_project mp join master_company mc on mc.id = mp.company_id join master_unit mu on mu.id = mp.unit_owner_id join ref_status rs on rs.id = mp.status_id and rs.company_id = ? where mp.id = ? ",[Auth::user()->company_id, $request->get('id')]))->first(); $param['tableHead'] = array( ["Member Name","all","member_name"], ["Jumlah Task","all","jml_task"], ["Task Selesai","all","task_done"], ["Task Belum Selesai","all","task_undone"], ["Act","all","action"] ); foreach($param['tableHead'] as $v){ $arrHead[] = $v[2]; } $param['totTask'] = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as totonprogress from master_project_task mpt where status_id = 2 and project_id = ?",[$request->get('id')]))->first(); $param['head'] = implode(",",$arrHead); $param['type'] = 'detailProjects'; $param['team_role_id'] = $request->get('team_role_id'); $param['table'] = route('projects.dataTable',['type'=>'detailProjects','id_project'=>$request->get('id'),'team_role_id'=>$request->get('team_role_id')]); $param['personil'] = DB::table('master_user')->whereNotIn('role_id',[6])->where('company_id', Auth::user()->company_id)->get(); $param['role_team'] = DB::table('ref_team_role')->where('company_id',Auth::user()->company_id)->get(); $param['projectOwner'] = DB::table('master_unit')->where('company_id',Auth::user()->company_id)->get(); $param['before'] = $request->get('before'); // return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.projects.detailProjects',$param); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.detailProjects', $param); } public function listProjectSaya() { $param = []; return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.projects.listProjectSaya'); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.listProjectSaya', $param); } public function tambahProject() { $param['projectOwner'] = DB::table('master_unit')->where('company_id',Auth::user()->company_id)->get(); $param['personil'] = DB::table('master_user')->whereNotIn('role_id',[6])->where('company_id', Auth::user()->company_id)->get(); $param['role_team'] = DB::table('ref_team_role')->where('company_id', Auth::user()->company_id)->get(); $param['type'] = 'tambahProjects'; // return view('home')->nest('content', 'content.projects.tambahProject',$param); return $this->bsGetView('content.projects.tambahProject', $param); } public function inboxMeeting(Request $request) { $param = []; return $this->bsGetView('content.others.inbox.inbox_meeting', $param); } public function inboxMeetingData(Request $request) { $keyword = $request->get('keyword'); $is_read = $request->get('is_read'); $type_inbox = $request->get('type'); if($type_inbox=='task') { $inbox = DB::table('master_task_inbox as mti') ->leftJoin('master_project as mp', 'mp.id', '=', 'mti.project_id') ->leftJoin('master_user as mu', 'mu.id', '=', 'mti.user_crt_id') ->selectRaw('mti.id, mti.is_read, mti.tittle, mp.project_name, mti.description as inv_content, mti.created_at as send_date, mu.image_url, mu.full_name') ->when ( !is_null($keyword), function ($query) use($keyword) { return $query->whereRaw("(LOWER(mti.tittle) LIKE '%" . strtolower($keyword) . "%' OR LOWER(mp.project_name) LIKE '%" . strtolower($keyword) . "%')"); }) ->when ( !is_null($is_read), function ($query) use($is_read) { if($is_read=='all') { } else { return $query->whereRaw("mti.is_read = ".$is_read.""); } }) ->where('mti.pic_id', Auth::user()->id) ->orderBy('mti.created_at', 'desc') ->paginate(10); } else { $inbox = DB::table('master_meeting_participant as mmp') ->join('master_meeting as mm', 'mm.id', '=' , 'mmp.meeting_id') ->leftJoin('master_user as mu', 'mu.id', '=', 'mm.user_crt_id') ->join('master_project as mp', 'mp.id', '=' , 'mm.project_id') ->selectRaw('mmp.id,mmp.meeting_id,mmp.is_read,mu.full_name,mmp.created_at as send_date,mm.inv_content,mm.tittle,mp.project_name,mu.image_url') ->when ( !is_null($keyword), function ($query) use($keyword) { return $query->whereRaw("(LOWER(mm.tittle) LIKE '%" . strtolower($keyword) . "%' OR LOWER(mp.project_name) LIKE '%" . strtolower($keyword) . "%')"); }) ->when ( !is_null($is_read), function ($query) use($is_read) { if($is_read=='all') { } else { return $query->whereRaw("mmp.is_read = ".$is_read.""); } }) ->where('mmp.participant_id', Auth::user()->id) ->orderBy('mm.created_at', 'desc') ->paginate(10); } $param['inbox'] = $inbox; $param['paginateLinks'] = (string) $inbox->links(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 200, 'data' => $param ]); } public function act_projects(Request $request, $type) { switch ($type) { case 'store_data_projects': return $this->act_store_projects($request); break; case 'store_data_member': return $this->act_store_member($request); break; case 'store_data_task': return $this->act_store_task($request); break; case 'delete_data_task': return $this->act_delete_task($request); break; case 'update_status_task': return $this->act_update_status_task($request); break; case 'store_data_sub_task': return $this->act_store_sub_task($request); break; case 'store_data_comment_task': return $this->act_store_comment_task($request); break; case 'store_data_comment_project': return $this->act_store_comment_project($request); break; case 'store_data_generate_task': return $this->act_store_data_generate_task($request); break; case 'store_status_project': return $this->act_store_status_project($request); break; case 'store_data_budget': return $this->act_store_data_budget($request); break; case 'store_reversal_data_budget': return $this->act_store_reversal_data_budget($request); break; case 'store_data_budget_awal': return $this->act_store_data_budget_awal($request); break; case 'store_data_meeting': return $this->act_store_data_meeting($request); break; case 'read_inbox': return $this->act_read_inbox($request); break; case 'store_lanjutkan_task': return $this->act_store_lanjutkan_task($request); break; case 'store_reminder': return $this->act_store_reminder($request); break; case 'store_data_project_css': return $this->act_store_data_project_css($request); break; case 'store_css_task': return $this->act_store_css_task($request); break; case 'batal_css_task': return $this->act_batal_css_task($request); break; case 'proses_css_task': return $this->act_proses_css_task($request); break; case 'approve_proses_css_task': return $this->act_approve_proses_css_task($request); break; case 'reject_proses_css_task': return $this->act_reject_proses_css_task($request); break; case 'approve_open_css_task': return $this->act_approve_open_css_task($request); break; case 'reject_open_css_task': return $this->act_reject_open_css_task($request); break; } } public function act_approve_open_css_task($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $emailMaker = DB::table('master_user')->where('id', $pt->user_crt_id)->first(); $emailApprover = DB::table('master_user')->where('id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); $data['ticket'] = $pt->task_code; $data['jenis'] = 1; // if($emailMaker) { // $kirimToMaker = $this->kirimEmail($emailMaker->email, $data); // } /* if($kirimToMaker::failures()) { DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => 'Error Kirim Email' ]); } else { */ // if($emailApprover) { // $kirimToApprover = $this->kirimEmail($emailApprover->email, $data); // } /* } */ $pt->status_id = 1; $pt->user_approve_it = Auth::user()->id; $pt->date_approve_it = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $pt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Approve Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_reject_open_css_task($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $pt->status_id = 8; $pt->user_approve_it = Auth::user()->id; $pt->date_approve_it = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $pt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Reject Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_reject_proses_css_task($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $pt->user_approve_id = Auth::user()->id; $pt->date_approve = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $pt->status_id = 1; $pt->send_approve = false; $pt->status_approve = false; $pt->note_approval = $request->note_approval; $pt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Reject Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_approve_proses_css_task($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $emailMaker = DB::table('master_user')->where('id', $pt->user_crt_id)->first(); $emailApprover = DB::table('master_user')->where('id', $pt->user_approve_it)->first(); $status = DB::table('ref_status')->where('id', $pt->status_id)->first(); $data['ticket'] = $pt->task_code; $data['status'] = $status->definition; $data['catatan'] = $pt->note_approval; $data['pelapor'] = $emailMaker->full_name; $data['jenis'] = 2; // if($emailMaker) { // $kirimToMaker = $this->kirimEmail($emailMaker->email, $data); // } // if($emailApprover) { // $kirimToApprover = $this->kirimEmail($emailApprover->email, $data); // } $pt->user_approve_id = null; $pt->date_approve = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $pt->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; $pt->status_id = 5; $pt->send_approve = false; $pt->status_approve = true; $pt->note_approval = $request->note_approval; $pt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Approve Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_proses_css_task($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $emailMaker = DB::table('master_user')->where('id', $pt->user_crt_id)->first(); $emailApprover = DB::table('master_user')->where('id', $pt->user_approve_it)->first(); $status = DB::table('ref_status')->where('id', $pt->status_id)->first(); $data['ticket'] = $pt->task_code; $data['status'] = $status->definition; $data['catatan'] = $pt->notes_imp; $data['pelapor'] = $emailMaker->full_name; $data['jenis'] = 2; $pt->user_imp_id = Auth::user()->id; $pt->notes_imp = $request->notes_imp; $pt->critical_level_id = $request->critical_level_id; $pt->date_deadline = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->date_deadline)); if($request->status_id==5) { $pt->status_id = 4; $pt->send_approve = true; } else { $pt->status_id = $request->status_id; $pt->send_approve = false; } $pt->save(); // $kirimToMaker = $this->kirimEmail($emailMaker->email, $data); // if(!empty($emailApprover)) { // $kirimToApprover = $this->kirimEmail($emailApprover->email, $data); // } if($request->hasFile('dok_helpdesk')){ $destination_path = public_path('dokumen'); $files = $request->file('dok_helpdesk'); $urlDoc = SpaceController::uploadFile($files, 'dokumen', []); // $filename = 'Dokumen_'.date('Ymd')."_".date('His').'.'.$files->getClientOriginalExtension(); // $upload_success = $files->move($destination_path, $filename); $ptd = new ProjectTaskDocument(); $ptd->project_task_id = $pt->id; $ptd->url_doc = $urlDoc; $ptd->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $ptd->type_doc = 2; $ptd->save(); } DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Kirim Approval Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_batal_css_task($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $pt->status_id = 6; $pt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Batalkan Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_css_task($request) { // dd($request->all());exit(); DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $checkRole = DB::table('ref_role')->where('id', Auth::user()->role_id)->first(); $mp = ProjectsModel::find($request->project_id_modal_); $get = collect(DB::select("select max(id) as max_id from master_project_task"))->first(); $codeGenerate = str_pad($get->max_id+1, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $pt = new ProjectTaskModel(); $pt->project_id = $request->project_id_modal_; $pt->project_id_pm = $mp->project_id_pm; $pt->task_name = $request->judul_; $pt->task_code = date('Ymd').$codeGenerate; $pt->task_note = $request->deskripsi_; if($checkRole) { if($checkRole->is_external) { $pt->status_id = 7; } else { $pt->status_id = 1; } } else { $pt->status_id = 7; } $pt->critical_level_id = $request->level_; $pt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $pt->client_id = $request->client_id_modal_; if($pt->save()) { for ($i=1; $i <= $request->row_file ; $i++) { # code... if($request->hasFile('file_input_'.$i.'_')){ $destination_path = public_path('dokumen'); $files = $request->file('file_input_'.$i.'_'); $urlDoc = SpaceController::uploadFile($files, 'dokumen', []); // $filename = 'Dokumen_'.date('Ymd')."_".date('His').'.'.$files->getClientOriginalExtension(); // $upload_success = $files->move($destination_path, $filename); $ptd = new ProjectTaskDocument(); $ptd->project_task_id = $pt->id; $ptd->url_doc = $urlDoc; $ptd->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $ptd->type_doc = 1; $ptd->save(); } } } $emailMaker = DB::table('master_user')->whereIn('id', [13, 21, 14])->get()->toArray(); $status = DB::table('ref_status')->where('id', $pt->status_id)->first(); $data['ticket'] = $pt->task_code; $data['status'] = $status->definition; $data['catatan'] = $pt->notes_imp; $data['jenis'] = 2; if(!empty($emailMaker)) { foreach($emailMaker as $em) { $data['pelapor'] = $em->full_name; if($em->email) { // $kirimToMaker = $this->kirimEmail($em->email, $data); } } } DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_data_project_css($request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $id = $request->input('get_id'); if($id == '') { $mp = new ProjectsModel(); $mp->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; } else { $mp = ProjectsModel::findOrFail($id); $mp->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; DB::connection('pgsql2')->table('master_project')->where('id', $mp->project_id_pm)->update([ 'project_id_css' => null, 'client_id_css' => null ]); } $mp->project_name = $request->project_name; $mp->project_detail = $request->info_detail_project; $mp->client_id = $request->client_project; $mp->project_id_pm = $request->project_id; if($mp->save()) { DB::connection('pgsql2')->table('master_project')->where('id', $request->project_id)->update([ 'project_id_css' => $mp->id, 'client_id_css' => $request->client_project ]); } DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Project' ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_reminder($request) { $key_demo ='88749978e47dcff1496c29213cbb9b8964fd677f7a6dd17d'; $mpt = ProjectTaskModel::findOrFail($request->id); $message = 'Kamu mendapatkan task baru untuk Project '.$request->project_name.' : \n'. $mpt->task_name . '\n\nUntuk melihat detail task silahkan akses ke: \nhttp://quince-project.basys.co.id'; $number = substr_replace(trim($request->phone_number),'62',0,1); $data = array( "phone_no"=> $number, "key" => $key_demo, "message" => $message, ); $result = $this->sendWA($data); if($result == 'Success') { return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'sukses' ]); } else { return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $result ]); } // return $result; } public function sendWA($data) { $url=''; $data_string = json_encode($data,1); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 360); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string), 'Authorization: Basic dXNtYW5ydWJpYW50b3JvcW9kcnFvZHJiZWV3b293YToyNjM3NmVkeXV3OWUwcmkzNDl1ZA==' )); $res=curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $res; } // end function public function act_store_lanjutkan_task (Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $mpt = ProjectTaskModel::findOrFail($request->id_task_lanjutkan); $newMpt = new ProjectTaskModel(); $newMpt->project_id = $mpt->project_id; $newMpt->task_name = '[Forward Task] - '.$mpt->task_name; $newMpt->task_code = $mpt->task_code; $newMpt->task_note = '[Forward Task] - '.$mpt->task_note; $newMpt->pic_id = $request->personil_task_pilihan; $newMpt->start_date = $mpt->start_date; $newMpt->due_date = $mpt->due_date; $newMpt->status_id = 1; $newMpt->critical_level_id = $mpt->critical_level_id; $newMpt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $newMpt->company_id = $mpt->company_id; $newMpt->save(); $mit = new TaskInboxModel(); $mit->project_id = $newMpt->project_id; $mit->project_task_id = $newMpt->id; $mit->tittle = $newMpt->task_name; $mit->description = $newMpt->task_note; $mit->pic_id = $request->personil_task_pilihan; $mit->is_read = false; $mit->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mit->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_read_inbox(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { if($request->type=='meetings') { $mmp = MeetingParticipantModel::findOrFail($request->id); $mmp->is_read = true; $mmp->save(); } else { $mmp = TaskInboxModel::findOrFail($request->id); $mmp->is_read = true; $mmp->save(); } DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_data_meeting(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $id = $request->get_id; if($id) { $mm = MeetingModel::findOrFail($id); $mm->mom_content = $request->mom_content; $mm->is_done = $request->is_done_edit; if($request->hasFile('mom_doc_url')){ $destination_path = public_path('dok_meeting'); // $image_path = public_path($mm->mom_doc_url); // if(File::exists($image_path)) { // File::delete($image_path); // } SpaceController::deleteFile($mm->mom_doc_url); $files = $request->file('mom_doc_url'); $mm->mom_doc_url = SpaceController::uploadFile($files, 'meeting', []); // $filename = 'dok_'.date('Ymd')."_".date('His').'.'.$files->getClientOriginalExtension(); // $upload_success = $files->move($destination_path, $filename); // $mm->mom_doc_url = '/dok_meeting/'.$filename; } $mm->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; $mm->save(); if($request->row_anggota > 0) { for ($i=1; $i <= $request->row_anggota ; $i++) { $mp = MeetingParticipantModel::findOrFail($request->input('mp_id'.$i)); $mp->is_present = $request->input('hadir'.$i)=='true'?true:false; $mp->notes = $request->input('ket'.$i)?$request->input('ket'.$i):null; $mp->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; $mp->save(); } } } else { // $getMm = DB::table('master_meeting')->max('id'); // $getMmp = DB::table('master_meeting_participant')->max('id'); $mm = new MeetingModel(); // $mm->id = $getMm+1; $mm->project_id = $request->id_project; $mm->tittle = $request->title; $mm->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->start_date)); $mm->start_time = $request->start_time; $mm->end_time = $request->end_time; $mm->is_done = false; $mm->inv_content = $request->inv_content; $mm->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mm->save(); $dataMm = []; for($i=1; $i<=$request->row_anggota;$i++) { array_push($dataMm, array( // 'id' => $getMmp + $i, 'meeting_id' => $mm->id, 'participant_id' => $request->input('personil_id_'.$i), 'is_present' => null, 'is_read' => false, 'user_crt_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'updated_at' => Carbon::now(), )); } MeetingParticipantModel::insert($dataMm); } DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_data_budget_awal(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $amount_tx = str_replace('.','',$request->amount_tx_ba); // $get = BudgetRealModel::all()->last(); // if($get) { // $idNow = $get->id + 1; // } else { // $idNow = 1; // } $mbr = new BudgetRealModel(); // $mbr->id = $idNow; $mbr->project_id = $request->project_id; $mbr->budget_type = 1; $mbr->amount_tx = $amount_tx; $mbr->tx_note = 'Budgeting Awal Project'; $mbr->tx_date = date('Y-m-d'); $mbr->created_at = date('Y-m-d'); $mbr->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mbr->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mbr->outstanding = $amount_tx; $mbr->save(); $mp = ProjectsModel::findOrFail($request->project_id); $mp->budget_amount = $amount_tx; $mp->outstanding = $amount_tx; $mp->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil', 'budget_awal' => $amount_tx ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_reversal_data_budget(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $bt = DB::table('ref_budget_type')->where('id', $request->typeBudget)->where('company_id', Auth::user()->company_id)->first(); $rev_operator = $bt->rev_operator; $mbr = BudgetRealModel::findOrFail($request->idBudget); $amount_tx = $mbr->amount_tx; $project_id = $mbr->project_id; $mp = ProjectsModel::findOrFail($project_id); $outstandingPr = $mp->outstanding; $budgetPr = $mp->budget_amount; if($rev_operator=='-') { $outstanding = $outstandingPr - $amount_tx; $budget = $budgetPr - $amount_tx; } else { $outstanding = $outstandingPr + $amount_tx; $budget = $budgetPr + $amount_tx; } if($request->typeBudget==1) { $mp->budget_amount = $outstanding; } else if($request->typeBudget==8 || $request->typeBudget==9) { $mp->budget_amount = $budget; } $mp->outstanding = $outstanding; $mp->save(); BudgetRealModel::findOrFail($request->idBudget)->delete(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil', 'budget' => $mp->budget_amount, 'outstanding' => $outstanding ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_data_budget(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $mp = ProjectsModel::findOrFail($request->project_id); $outstandingLast = $mp->outstanding; $budgetLast = $mp->budget_amount; if($request->operator=='-') { $outstanding = $outstandingLast - str_replace('.','',$request->amount_tx); $budget = $budgetLast - str_replace('.','',$request->amount_tx); } else { $outstanding = $outstandingLast + str_replace('.','',$request->amount_tx); $budget = $budgetLast + str_replace('.','',$request->amount_tx); } // $get = BudgetRealModel::all()->last()->id; $mbr = new BudgetRealModel(); // $mbr->id = $get + 1; $mbr->project_id = $request->project_id; $mbr->budget_type = $request->budget_type; $mbr->amount_tx = str_replace('.','',$request->amount_tx); $mbr->tx_note = $request->tx_note; $mbr->tx_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->tx_date)); $mbr->created_at = date('Y-m-d'); $mbr->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mbr->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mbr->outstanding = $outstanding; $mbr->save(); if($request->budget_type==8 || $request->budget_type==9) { $mp->budget_amount = $budget; } $mp->outstanding = $outstanding; $mp->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil', 'budget' => $mp->budget_amount, 'outstanding' => $outstanding ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_status_project(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $mp = ProjectsModel::find($request->id_project); $mp->status_id = $request->pilih_status_project; $mp->save(); //code... DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Comment Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_comment_project(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $mpt = new ProjectCommentModel(); $mpt->project_id = $request->id_project; $mpt->comment_note = $request->comment_note; $mpt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mpt->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $mpt->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mpt->save(); $jmlComment = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as jmlcomment from master_project_comment mpc where mpc.project_id = ?",[$request->id_project]))->first(); //code... DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Comment Task', 'jmlComment' => $jmlComment->jmlcomment ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_comment_task(Request $request){ DB::beginTransaction(); try { $mpt = new TaskCommentModel(); $mpt->project_id = $request->id_project; $mpt->task_id = $request->id_task; $mpt->comment_note = $request->comment_task_note; $mpt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mpt->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $mpt->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mpt->save(); //code... DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Comment Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_sub_task(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { if($request->get_id) { $mpt = ProjectSubTaskModel::find($request->get_id); $mpt->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; } else { $mpt = new ProjectSubTaskModel(); // $get = collect(DB::select("select max(id) as max_id from master_project_subtask"))->first(); // $mpt->id = $get->max_id + 1; $mpt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; } $mpt->task_id = $request->task_id; $mpt->subtask_detail = $request->subtask_detail; $mpt->status_id = $request->status_id_st; $mpt->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mpt->save(); //code... DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Sub Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_update_status_task(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $mpt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $mpt->status_id = $request->status_id; $mpt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Task', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_task(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { if($request->get_id) { $mpt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->get_id); $mpt->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; } else { $mpt = new ProjectTaskModel(); $get = collect(DB::select("select max(id) as max_id from master_project_task"))->first(); // $mpt->id = $get->max_id + 1; $mpt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $companyCode = collect(DB::select("select company_code from master_company mc where id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $codeGenerate = str_pad($get->max_id+1, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $codeTask = $companyCode->company_code.$request->project_id.$request->pic_id.$codeGenerate; $mpt->task_code = $codeTask; } if($request->hasFile('dok_task')){ $destination_path = public_path('dokumen'); $image_path = public_path($mpt->url_doc); if(File::exists($image_path)) { File::delete($image_path); } $files = $request->file('dok_task'); $urlDoc = SpaceController::uploadFile($files, 'dokumen', []); // $filename = 'Dokumen_'.date('Ymd')."_".date('His').'.'.$files->getClientOriginalExtension(); // $upload_success = $files->move($destination_path, $filename); $mpt->url_doc = $urlDoc; } $mpt->project_id = $request->project_id; $mpt->task_name = $request->task_name; $mpt->task_note = $request->task_note; $mpt->pic_id = $request->pic_id; $mpt->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->start_date)); $mpt->due_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->due_date)); $mpt->status_id = $request->status_id; $mpt->critical_level_id = $request->critical_level_id; $mpt->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mpt->save(); if($request->get_id) { $mit = TaskInboxModel::where('project_task_id')->first(); $mit->tittle = $request->task_name; $mit->description = $request->task_note; $mit->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; $mit->save(); } else { $mit = new TaskInboxModel(); $mit->project_id = $request->project_id; $mit->project_task_id = $mpt->id; $mit->tittle = $request->task_name; $mit->description = $request->task_note; $mit->pic_id = $request->pic_id; $mit->is_read = false; $mit->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mit->save(); } $jml_task = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as jml_task from master_project_task where project_id = ? and status_id not in (4)",[$request->project_id]))->first(); $task_on_progress = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as totonprogress from master_project_task mpt where status_id = 2 and project_id = ?",[$request->project_id]))->first(); //code... DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Task', 'jml_task' => $jml_task, 'task_on_progress' => $task_on_progress ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_data_generate_task(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { for($i=1; $i<=$request->row_modeling; $i++) { $mpt = new ProjectTaskModel(); $get = collect(DB::select("select max(id) as max_id from master_project_task"))->first(); // $mpt->id = $get->max_id + 1; $mpt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $companyCode = collect(DB::select("select company_code from master_company mc where id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $codeGenerate = str_pad($get->max_id+1, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $codeTask = $companyCode->company_code.$request->id_project.$request->input('pic_id_generate'.$i).$codeGenerate; $mpt->project_id = $request->id_project; $mpt->task_name = $request->input('task_name_generate'.$i); $mpt->task_code = $codeTask; $mpt->task_note = $request->input('task_note_generate'.$i); $mpt->pic_id = $request->input('pic_id_generate'.$i); $mpt->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->input('start_date_generate'.$i))); $mpt->due_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->input('due_date_generate'.$i))); $mpt->status_id = $request->input('status_id_generate'.$i); $mpt->critical_level_id = $request->input('critical_level_id_generate'.$i); $mpt->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mpt->save(); } $jml_task = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as jml_task from master_project_task where project_id = ? and status_id not in (4)",[$request->id_project]))->first(); $task_on_progress = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as totonprogress from master_project_task mpt where status_id = 2 and project_id = ?",[$request->id_project]))->first(); //code... DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Task', 'jml_task' => $jml_task, 'task_on_progress' => $task_on_progress ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_delete_task(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $mpt = ProjectTaskModel::find($request->id); $mpt->status_id = 4; $mpt->save(); // $mit = TaskInboxModel::where('project_task_id', $request->id)->delete(); $jml_task = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as jml_task from master_project_task where project_id = ? and status_id not in (4)",[$request->project_id]))->first(); $task_on_progress = collect(DB::select("select count(id) as totonprogress from master_project_task mpt where status_id = 2 and project_id = ?",[$request->project_id]))->first(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Task', 'jml_task' => $jml_task, 'task_on_progress' => $task_on_progress ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_projects(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... $min = 5; $get = collect(DB::select("SELECT max(id::int) as max_id FROM master_project"))->first(); $getTC = collect(DB::select("SELECT coalesce(max(substr(team_code,5,".$min.")::int),0) as max_number FROM master_team WHERE company_id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $getTCId = collect(DB::select("SELECT max(id::int) as max_id FROM master_team"))->first(); // $getMbrId = collect(DB::select("SELECT max(id::int) as max_id FROM master_budget_real"))->first(); $arrayTeam = []; $id = $request->input('get_id'); if($id=='') { $mp = new ProjectsModel(); $mt = new TeamModel(); $mbr = new BudgetRealModel(); // $mp->id = $get->max_id + 1; $mp->project_name = $request->nama_project; $mp->unit_owner_id = $request->project_owner; $mp->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->tgl_mulai)); $mp->due_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->tgl_selesai)); $mp->days_overdue = round((strtotime($request->tgl_selesai)-strtotime($request->tgl_mulai))/60/60/40); $mp->status_id = 1; $mp->project_detail = $request->info_detail_project; $mp->budget_amount = str_replace('.','',$request->budget_amount); $mp->outstanding = str_replace('.','',$request->budget_amount); // sementara pantek dulu karna blm ada login $mp->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mp->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; if($request->hasFile('logo_project')){ $destination_path = public_path('gallery'); $files = $request->file('logo_project'); $urlDoc = SpaceController::uploadFile($files, 'logo', []); // $filename = 'Logo_'.date('Ymd')."_".date('His').'.'.$files->getClientOriginalExtension(); // $upload_success = $files->move($destination_path, $filename); $mp->logo_url = $urlDoc; } $team_code = $getTC->max_number + 1; if(strlen($team_code) <= $min) { $addZero = str_pad($team_code,5,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { $batas = strlen($team_code); $addZero = str_pad($team_code,$batas,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); } if($request->row_anggota > 0) { // $idTeam = $getTCId->max_id; for ($i=1; $i <= $request->row_anggota ; $i++) { # code... // $arrayTeam[$i]['id'] = $idTeam+$i; $arrayTeam[$i]['member_id'] = $request->input('personil_id_'.$i); $arrayTeam[$i]['team_role_id'] = $request->input('team_role_id_'.$i); $arrayTeam[$i]['team_code'] = 'TM0'.Auth::user()->company_id.$addZero; $arrayTeam[$i]['is_active'] = true; $arrayTeam[$i]['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // sementara pantek dulu karna blm ada login $arrayTeam[$i]['user_crt_id'] = Auth::user()->id; $arrayTeam[$i]['company_id'] = Auth::user()->company_id; } } $mt::insert($arrayTeam); $numberOfCode = str_pad($get->max_id + 1,5,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); $codeProject = 'PRJ'.$numberOfCode.'TM0'.Auth::user()->company_id.$addZero; $mp->project_code = $codeProject; $mp->team_code = 'TM0'.Auth::user()->company_id.$addZero; $mp->save(); // $mbr->id = $getMbrId->max_id + 1; $mbr->project_id = $mp->id; $mbr->budget_type = 1; $mbr->amount_tx = str_replace('.','',$request->budget_amount); $mbr->outstanding = str_replace('.','',$request->budget_amount); $mbr->tx_date = date('Y-m-d'); $mbr->tx_note = 'Budgeting Awal Project'; $mbr->created_at = Carbon::now(); $mbr->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mbr->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mbr->save(); } else { $mp = ProjectsModel::findOrFail($id); if($request->hasFile('logo_project')){ $destination_path = public_path('gallery'); // $image_path = public_path($mp->logo_url); // if(File::exists($image_path)) { // File::delete($image_path); // } SpaceController::deleteFile($mp->logo_url); $files = $request->file('logo_project'); $urlDoc = SpaceController::uploadFile($files, 'logo', []); // $filename = 'Logo_'.date('Ymd')."_".date('His').'.'.$files->getClientOriginalExtension(); // $upload_success = $files->move($destination_path, $filename); $mp->logo_url = $urlDoc; } $mp->project_name = $request->nama_project; $mp->unit_owner_id = $request->project_owner; $mp->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->tgl_mulai)); $mp->due_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->tgl_selesai)); $mp->days_overdue = round((strtotime($request->tgl_selesai)-strtotime($request->tgl_mulai))/60/60/40); $mp->project_detail = $request->info_detail_project; $mp->user_upd_id = Auth::user()->id; $mp->save(); // $mp->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; } DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Success Add Project' ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_store_member(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { //code... // $get = collect(DB::select("SELECT max(id::int) as max_id FROM master_team"))->first(); $mt = new TeamModel(); // $mt->id = $get->max_id+1; $mt->member_id = $request->input('pilih_personil'); $mt->team_role_id = $request->input('pilih_team_role'); $mt->team_code = $request->input('team_code'); $mt->is_active = true; $mt->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // sementara pantek dulu karna blm ada login $mt->user_crt_id = Auth::user()->id; $mt->company_id = Auth::user()->company_id; $mt->save(); $dataMember = DB::select("select mu.full_name, mu.image_url from master_user mu join master_team mt on mt.member_id = mu.id where mt.team_code = ? order by mt.id",[$request->input('team_code')]); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Tambah Member', 'data' => $dataMember, ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function act_get_projects(Request $request, $type) { switch ($type) { case 'get_member_not_in_project': $data = DB::select("select mu.id, mu.full_name from master_user mu where mu.id not in (select member_id from master_team where team_code = ?) and mu.role_id not in (6) and mu.company_id = ?",[$request->input('team_code'), Auth::user()->company_id]); # code... break; case 'get_team_role_not_in_project': $data = DB::select("select rtr.* from ref_team_role rtr where rtr.id not in (select team_role_id from master_team where team_role_id <> 3 and team_code = ?) and rtr.company_id = ?",[$request->input('team_code'), Auth::user()->company_id]); # code... break; case 'data_task_member': $data = DB::select("select mpt.id, mpt.project_id, mpt.task_name, mpt.task_code, mpt.due_date, mp.project_name, rs.definition as status_task from master_project_task mpt left join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id and rs.company_id = mpt.company_id where mpt.project_id = ? and pic_id = ?",[$request->id_project, $request->member_id]); break; case 'get_status': $data = DB::select("select * from ref_status where company_id = ? and is_active=true and id not in (4)",[Auth::user()->company_id]); break; case 'get_status_project': $data = DB::select("select * from ref_status where company_id = ? and is_active=true",[Auth::user()->company_id]); break; case 'get_critical_level': $data = DB::select("select * from ref_critical_level where company_id = ? and is_active=true",[Auth::user()->company_id]); break; case 'get_data_task': $data = DB::select("select * from master_project_task where id = ? ",[$request->get('id')]); break; case 'data_kanban_task': $data = []; $status = DB::select("select * from ref_status where company_id = ? and is_active = true order by id",[Auth::user()->company_id]); $color = ['info', 'warning', 'success', 'danger']; foreach ($status as $key => $value) { # code... $data[$key]['id'] = '_'.$value->id; $data[$key]['title'] = $value->definition; $data[$key]['class'] = 'light-'.$color[$key]; // $data[$key]['dragTo'] = [$value->id + 1]; $data[$key]['item'] = []; if($request->input('member_id')) { $item = DB::select("select mpt.*, rcl.definition as critical_name, mu.full_name from master_project_task mpt left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id and rcl.company_id = mpt.company_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.pic_id where pic_id = ? and status_id = ? and project_id = ? order by mpt.id",[$request->input('member_id'), $value->id, $request->input('id')]); } else { $item = DB::select("select mpt.*, rcl.definition as critical_name, mu.full_name from master_project_task mpt left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id and rcl.company_id = mpt.company_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.pic_id where project_id = ? and status_id = ?",[$request->input('id'), $value->id]); } $colorTask = ['info', 'warning', 'success', 'danger']; foreach ($item as $k => $itemVal) { # code... $data[$key]['item'][$k]['id'] = '_'.$itemVal->id; $data[$key]['item'][$k]['statusid'] = $value->id; $data[$key]['item'][$k]['title'] = $itemVal->task_name.'
Code: ('.$itemVal->task_code.')
Level: '.$itemVal->critical_name.'

'.$itemVal->full_name.''; $data[$key]['item'][$k]['class'] = $colorTask[$value->id-1]; } } break; case 'get_data_detail_task': $data = []; $data['task'] = collect(DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as critical_level, mu.phone_number from master_project_task mpt left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id and rs.company_id = mpt.company_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id and rcl.company_id = mpt.company_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.pic_id where mpt.id = ? ",[$request->get('id')]))->first(); $data['subTask'] = DB::select("select mps.*, rs.definition as status from master_project_subtask mps left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mps.status_id and rs.company_id = mps.company_id where task_id = ?",[$request->get('id')]); $data['commentTask'] = DB::select("select mtc.comment_note, mu.full_name, mtc.user_crt_id, mu.image_url , mtc.created_at from master_task_comment mtc left join master_user mu on mu.id = mtc.user_crt_id where task_id = ? and project_id = ? order by mtc.created_at",[$request->get('id'),$request->get('id_project')]); break; case 'data_sub_task': $data = DB::select("select mps.*, rs.definition as status from master_project_subtask mps left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mps.status_id and rs.company_id = mps.company_id where task_id = ? order by mps.id",[$request->get('id')]); break; case 'data_comment_task': $data = DB::select("select mtc.comment_note, mu.full_name, mtc.user_crt_id, mu.image_url , mtc.created_at from master_task_comment mtc left join master_user mu on mu.id = mtc.user_crt_id where task_id = ? and project_id = ? order by mtc.created_at",[$request->get('task_id'),$request->get('id_project')]); break; case 'data_project_comment': $data = DB::select("select mtc.comment_note, mu.full_name, mtc.user_crt_id, mu.image_url , mtc.created_at from master_project_comment mtc left join master_user mu on mu.id = mtc.user_crt_id where project_id = ? order by mtc.created_at",[$request->get('id')]); break; case 'get_member_project': $data = DB::select("select mt.member_id, mu.full_name, rtr.definition from master_team mt left join master_project mp on mp.team_code = mt.team_code left join master_user mu on mu.id = mt.member_id and mu.company_id = mt.company_id left join ref_team_role rtr on rtr.id = mt.team_role_id and mp.company_id = rtr.company_id where mp.id = ? order by mt.team_role_id",[$request->get('id')]); break; case 'get_model_task': $data = DB::select("select * from master_model where is_active = true and company_id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]); break; case 'get_model_task_detail': $data = DB::select("select rmt.task_id, rt.task_name from rel_model_task rmt left join ref_task rt on rt.id = rmt.task_id where rmt.model_id = ?",[$request->get('id')]); break; case 'detail_meeting': $data['meeting'] = collect(DB::select("select * from master_meeting where id = ? ", [$request->get('id')]))->first(); $data['meetingParticipant'] = DB::select("select mmp.*, mu.full_name from master_meeting_participant mmp join master_user mu on mu.id = mmp.participant_id where mmp.meeting_id = ?", [$request->get('id')]); break; case 'get_det_inbox': if($request->type=='meetings') { $data = collect(DB::select("select mmp.id,mmp.meeting_id,mmp.is_read,mu.full_name,mmp.created_at as send_date,mm.inv_content,mm.tittle,mp.project_name,mu.image_url from master_meeting_participant mmp join master_meeting mm on mm.id = mmp.meeting_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mm.user_crt_id join master_project mp on mp.id = mm.project_id where mmp.id = ? order by mm.created_at desc",[$request->id]))->first(); } else { $data = collect(DB::select("select mti.id, mti.is_read, mti.tittle, mp.project_name, mti.description as inv_content, mti.created_at as send_date, mu.image_url, mu.full_name from master_task_inbox mti left join master_project mp on mp.id = mti.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mti.user_crt_id where mti.id = ? order by mti.created_at desc",[$request->id]))->first(); } break; case 'get_data_project': $data = DB::table('master_project')->where('id', $request->id)->first(); break; case 'get_project': $data = DB::table('master_project')->where('client_id', $request->client)->get(); break; } return response()->json(['data' => $data]); } public function dataTable(Request $request) { $type = $request->get('type'); switch ($type) { case 'detailProjects': $whereTri = ''; $array = [Auth::user()->company_id, $request->get('id_project')]; if($request->get('team_role_id')) { if($request->get('team_role_id')!=1 && $request->get('team_role_id')!=2) { $whereTri = 'and mt.member_id = ?'; $array = [Auth::user()->company_id, $request->get('id_project'), Auth::user()->id]; } } $data = DB::select("select (select count(id) from master_project_task where pic_id = mt.member_id and project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4)) as jml_task, (select count(id) from master_project_task where status_id = 3 and pic_id = mt.member_id and project_id = mp.id) as task_done, (select count(id) from master_project_task where status_id in (1,2) and pic_id = mt.member_id and project_id = mp.id) as task_undone, mu.full_name, rtr.definition as team_role_name, mu.image_url, mp.id as id_project, mt.member_id, mt.team_code from master_team mt join master_project mp on mp.team_code = mt.team_code left join master_user mu on mu.id = mt.member_id left join ref_team_role rtr on rtr.id = mt.team_role_id and rtr.company_id = ? where mp.id = ? ".$whereTri." order by mt.team_role_id", $array); # code... break; case 'data_task_member': $data = DB::select("select mpt.id, mpt.project_id, mpt.task_name, mpt.task_code, mpt.due_date, mp.project_name, rs.definition as status_task, mp.status_id as status_id_project from master_project_task mpt left join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id and rs.company_id = mpt.company_id where mpt.project_id = ? and mpt.pic_id = ? and mpt.status_id not in (4) order by mpt.id",[$request->id_project, $request->member_id]); break; case 'budgeting_project': $data = DB::select("select mbr.id, mbr.tx_date, rbt.definition as budget_name, rbt.tx_type, mbr.tx_note, mbr.amount_tx, mbr.outstanding, mbr.budget_type from master_budget_real mbr join master_project mp on mp.id = mbr.project_id left join ref_budget_type rbt on rbt.id = mbr.budget_type and mbr.company_id = rbt.company_id where mbr.project_id = ?",[$request->get('amp;id_project')]); break; case 'mng_meeting': $data = DB::select("select * from master_meeting where project_id = ?",[$request->get('amp;id_project')]); break; case 'laporan_project': $model = $request->get('model'); if(Auth::user()->role_id==1) { if($model=='new') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 7 order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); } else if($model=='op') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); } else if($model=='cancel') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id in (6, 8) order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); } else if($model=='overdue') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', mpt.date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >=0 order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); } else if($model=='done') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.user_crt_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 5 and mpt.status_approve = true order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); } else { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.user_crt_id = :id order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->id]); } } else { if($model=='new') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.status_id = 7 order by created_at desc"); } else if($model=='op') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.status_id in (1,2,3,4) order by created_at desc"); } else if($model=='cancel') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.status_id in (6, 8) order by created_at desc"); } else if($model=='overdue') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.status_id not in (5,6,7,8) and (DATE_PART('day', mpt.date_deadline::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) >=0 order by created_at desc"); } else if($model=='done') { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.status_id = 5 and mpt.status_approve = true order by created_at desc"); } else { $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name as implementor from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id order by created_at desc"); } } break; case 'detail_helpdesk': $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id where mpt.client_id = :id and mpt.status_id not in (6,7,8) and mpt.send_approve = false and mpt.status_approve = false order by created_at desc", ['id' => $request->get('id')]); break; case 'detail_approve_helpdesk': $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, mu.full_name from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_imp_id where mpt.client_id = :id and mpt.status_id not in (6,7,8) and mpt.send_approve = true and mpt.status_approve = false order by created_at desc", ['id' => $request->get('id')]); break; case 'approve_css': $data = DB::select("select mpt.*, rs.definition as status, rcl.definition as lvlurgent, mp.project_name, concat(mu.full_name,' - ',rd.definition) as name_divisi from master_project_task mpt join master_project mp on mp.id = mpt.project_id left join ref_status rs on rs.id = mpt.status_id left join ref_critical_level rcl on rcl.id = mpt.critical_level_id left join master_user mu on mu.id = mpt.user_crt_id left join ref_division rd on rd.id = mu.division_id where mpt.client_id = :id and mpt.status_id = 7 order by created_at desc", ['id' => Auth::user()->client_id]); break; } return DataTables::of($data) ->addIndexColumn() ->addColumn('member_name',function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='detailProjects') { return '
'.$data->full_name.' '.$data->team_role_name.'
'; } }) /* ->editColumn('jml_task', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='detailProjects' || $type=='laporan_project') { return ''.$data->jml_task.''; } }) */ ->editColumn('task_done', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='detailProjects') { return ''.$data->task_done.' Tasks'; } }) /* ->editColumn('jml_task_done', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project') { return ''.$data->jml_task_done.''; } }) ->editColumn('jml_task_on_progress', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project') { return ''.$data->jml_task_on_progress.''; } }) ->editColumn('jml_task_assign', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project') { return ''.$data->jml_task_assign.''; } }) */ ->editColumn('task_undone', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='detailProjects') { return ''.$data->task_undone.' Tasks'; } }) ->editColumn('status_task', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='data_task_member') { return ''.$data->status_task.''; } }) /* ->editColumn('due_date', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='data_task_member' || $type=='laporan_project') { return date('d F Y',strtotime($data->due_date)); } }) ->editColumn('days_left', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project') { if($data->days_left<0) { return ''.$data->days_left.''; } else { return ''.$data->days_left.''; } } }) */ ->editColumn('start_date', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='mng_meeting') { return date('d F Y',strtotime($data->start_date)); } }) ->editColumn('start_time', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='mng_meeting') { return date('H:i',strtotime($data->start_time)); } }) ->editColumn('end_time', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='mng_meeting') { return date('H:i',strtotime($data->end_time)); } }) ->editColumn('is_done', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='mng_meeting') { return $data->is_done?'Selesai':'Belum Selesai'; } }) ->editColumn('amount_tx', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='budgeting_project') { return number_format($data->amount_tx,0,',','.'); } }) ->editColumn('outstanding', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='budgeting_project') { return number_format($data->outstanding,0,',','.'); } }) ->editColumn('created_at', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project' || $type=='detail_helpdesk' || $type=='detail_approve_helpdesk' || $type=='approve_css') { return ''.date('d M Y H:i', strtotime($data->created_at)).''; } }) ->editColumn('implementor', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project') { if($data->implementor) { return ''.$data->implementor.''; } else { return '-'; } } }) ->editColumn('date_deadline', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project') { if($data->date_deadline) { return ''.date('d M Y', strtotime($data->date_deadline)).''; } else { return '-'; } } }) ->editColumn('status', function($data) use ($type) { if($type=='laporan_project' || $type=='detail_helpdesk' || $type=='detail_approve_helpdesk' || $type=='approve_css') { if(Auth::user()->role_id==2) { if($data->status_id==8) { return ''.$data->status.''; } else { return ''.$data->status.''; } } else { if($data->send_approve==false && $data->user_approve_id==null) { if($data->status_id==8) { return ''.$data->status.''; } else { return ''.$data->status.''; } } else if($data->send_approve==true && $data->user_approve_id==null) { return 'Approval'; } else { if($data->status_id==8) { return ''.$data->status.''; } else { return ''.$data->status.''; } } } } }) ->addColumn('action', function ($data) use ($type, $request) { $btn = ''; $btn.=''; if($type=='detailProjects') { if($request->get('team_role_id')) { return 'Lihat Rincian Task'; } else { return 'Lihat Rincian Task'; } } else if($type=='budgeting_project') { $last = collect(DB::select("select mbr.id from master_budget_real mbr where mbr.project_id = ?",[$request->get('amp;id_project')]))->last()->id; if($data->id==$last) { return 'Reversal'; // return ''; } else { return ''; } } else if($type=='laporan_project') { $crtDate = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($data->created_at)); $monthDate = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($data->created_at)); if($data->status_id==5) { $btn.=''; $btn.=''; } /* if($data->status_id==1) { $btn.=''; // return 'Batal'; } */ if(Auth::user()->role_id==2 && $data->status_id == 4) { $btn.=' '; // $btn.=''; } // ,\''.trim(strip_tags(str_replace( array("\r\n","\r","\n",' '), array('\r\n','\r','\n',' '), $data->task_note))).'\' if(Auth::user()->role_id==3 && ($data->status_id ==1 || $data->status_id ==2 || $data->status_id == 3)) { $btn.=''; // $btn.=''; if($data->status_approve==false && $data->note_approval) { $btn.=''; } } if(Auth::user()->role_id==4 && $data->status_id == 7) { $btn.=' '; // $btn.=''; } } else if($type=='detail_helpdesk') { // return 'Proses'; $btn.=''; // $btn.=''; if($data->status_approve==false && $data->note_approval) { $btn.=''; } } else if($type=='detail_approve_helpdesk') { $btn.=' '; // $btn.=''; } else if($type=='approve_css') { $btn.=' '; // $btn.=''; } else { if($type=='data_task_member') { if($data->status_id_project!=3) { $btn.=''; $btn.=''; } } else if($type=='mng_meeting') { $btn.=''; $btn.=''; $btn.=''; } /* $btn .= ' '; */ } return ' '; }) ->rawColumns(['action','member_name','jml_task','task_done','task_undone','due_date','status_task','days_left','jml_task_done','jml_task_on_progress','jml_task_assign','created_at','status','date_deadline','implementor']) ->make(true); } public function cetakDok(Request $request) { if($request->get('type')=='cetakLaporan') { if(Auth::user()->role_id == 6) { $wherePercent=''; if($request->get('percent') == 'krg50') { $wherePercent = 'and round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) < 50'; } else if($request->get('percent') == 'btwn5070') { $wherePercent = 'and round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) between 50 and 70'; } else if($request->get('percent') == 'lbh70') { $wherePercent = 'and round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) > 70'; } $response['response'] = DB::select("select mp.id, mp.project_code, mp.project_name, mp.team_code, mp.logo_url, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4)) as jml_task, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) as jml_task_done, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 2) as jml_task_assign, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 1) as jml_task_on_progress, round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) as progress_task, mp.due_date, (DATE_PART('day', concat(mp.due_date, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp - concat(CURRENT_DATE, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp)) as days_left from master_project mp where mp.company_id = ? ".$wherePercent." order by (DATE_PART('day', concat(mp.due_date, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp - concat(CURRENT_DATE, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp)) desc",[Auth::user()->company_id] ); } else { $wherePercent=''; if($request->get('percent') == 'krg50') { $wherePercent = 'and round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) < 50'; } else if($request->get('percent') == 'btwn5070') { $wherePercent = 'and round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) between 50 and 70'; } else if($request->get('percent') == 'lbh70') { $wherePercent = 'and round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) > 70'; } $response['response'] = DB::select("select mp.id, mp.project_code, mp.project_name, mp.team_code, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4)) as jml_task, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) as jml_task_done, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 2) as jml_task_assign, ( select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 1) as jml_task_on_progress, round(coalesce(( ( (select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id = 3) / nullif((select count(id) from master_project_task mpt where mpt.project_id = mp.id and status_id not in (4))::float, 0) ) * 100 ), 0)) as progress_task, mp.due_date, (DATE_PART('day', concat(mp.due_date, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp - concat(CURRENT_DATE, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp)) as days_left from master_project mp join master_team mt on mt.team_code = mp.team_code where mp.company_id = ? and mt.member_id = ? ".$wherePercent." order by (DATE_PART('day', concat(mp.due_date, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp - concat(CURRENT_DATE, ' 00:00:00')::timestamp)) desc",[Auth::user()->company_id, Auth::user()->id] ); } $response['perusahaan'] = collect(DB::select("select company_name, logo_url from master_company where id = ?",[Auth::user()->company_id]))->first(); $view = 'content.others.cetak_laporan'; $kertas = 'portrait'; $psize = 'a3'; // return view($view, $response); $pdf = PDF::loadView($view,$response)->setPaper($psize, $kertas); return $pdf->stream('Laporan Project_'. date('dmY_His') . '.pdf', array("Attachment" => false)); // return $pdf->stream(); } elseif($request->get('type')=='cetakExcel') { $type = $request->type; $path = $request->path; $param = [ 'type' => $type, 'path' => $path ]; if ($path == null) { $path = 'All'; } return Excel::download(new LaporanProjectExport($param), 'laporan_project'.'_'.$path.'_'.date('dmY').'.xlsx'); } } public function kirimEmail($email, $data) { // set_time_limit(200); ini_set('max_execution_time', '300'); // 5 second $res = Mail::to($email)->send(new ReportMail($data)); return $res; /* if(Mail::failures()) { return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => 'Gagal Kirim Email', ]); } else { return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Kirim Email', ]); } */ } function back_date(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $id = $request->id; $date = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($request->date)) .date(" H:i:s"); $pt = ProjectTaskModel::find($id); $pt->created_at = $date; $pt->save(); DB::commit(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 0, 'rm' => 'Berhasil Ubah Tanggal', ]); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 99, 'rm' => $th->getMessage() ]); } catch (QueryException $e) { DB::rollback(); return response()->json([ 'rc' => 500, 'rm' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } }