"use strict"; // Class definition var KTAppInbox = function() { // Private properties var _asideEl; var _listEl; var _viewEl; var _composeEl; var _replyEl; var _asideOffcanvas; // Private methods var _initEditor = function(form, editor) { // init editor var options = { modules: { toolbar: {} }, placeholder: 'Type message...', theme: 'snow' }; // Init editor var editor = new Quill('#' + editor, options); // Customize editor var toolbar = KTUtil.find(form, '.ql-toolbar'); var editor = KTUtil.find(form, '.ql-editor'); if (toolbar) { KTUtil.addClass(toolbar, 'px-5 border-top-0 border-left-0 border-right-0'); } if (editor) { KTUtil.addClass(editor, 'px-8'); } } var _initForm = function(formEl) { var formEl = KTUtil.getById(formEl); // Init autocompletes var toEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '[name=compose_to]'); var tagifyTo = new Tagify(toEl, { delimiters: ", ", // add new tags when a comma or a space character is entered maxTags: 10, blacklist: ["fuck", "shit", "pussy"], keepInvalidTags: true, // do not remove invalid tags (but keep them marked as invalid) whitelist: [{ value: 'Chris Muller', email: 'chris.muller@wix.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_11.jpg', class: 'tagify__tag--primary' }, { value: 'Nick Bold', email: 'nick.seo@gmail.com', initials: 'SS', initialsState: 'warning', pic: '' }, { value: 'Alon Silko', email: 'alon@keenthemes.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_6.jpg' }, { value: 'Sam Seanic', email: 'sam.senic@loop.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_8.jpg' }, { value: 'Sara Loran', email: 'sara.loran@tilda.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_9.jpg' }, { value: 'Eric Davok', email: 'davok@mix.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_13.jpg' }, { value: 'Sam Seanic', email: 'sam.senic@loop.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_13.jpg' }, { value: 'Lina Nilson', email: 'lina.nilson@loop.com', initials: 'LN', initialsState: 'danger', pic: './assets/media/users/100_15.jpg' }], templates: { dropdownItem: function(tagData) { try { var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' '; html += ' ' + (tagData.initials ? tagData.initials : '') + ''; html += ' '; html += '
'; html += ' '+ (tagData.value ? tagData.value : '') + ''; html += ' ' + (tagData.email ? tagData.email : '') + ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; } catch (err) {} } }, transformTag: function(tagData) { tagData.class = 'tagify__tag tagify__tag--primary'; }, dropdown: { classname: "color-blue", enabled: 1, maxItems: 5 } }); var ccEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '[name=compose_cc]'); var tagifyCc = new Tagify(ccEl, { delimiters: ", ", // add new tags when a comma or a space character is entered maxTags: 10, blacklist: ["fuck", "shit", "pussy"], keepInvalidTags: true, // do not remove invalid tags (but keep them marked as invalid) whitelist: [{ value: 'Chris Muller', email: 'chris.muller@wix.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_11.jpg', class: 'tagify__tag--primary' }, { value: 'Nick Bold', email: 'nick.seo@gmail.com', initials: 'SS', initialsState: 'warning', pic: '' }, { value: 'Alon Silko', email: 'alon@keenthemes.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_6.jpg' }, { value: 'Sam Seanic', email: 'sam.senic@loop.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_8.jpg' }, { value: 'Sara Loran', email: 'sara.loran@tilda.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_9.jpg' }, { value: 'Eric Davok', email: 'davok@mix.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_13.jpg' }, { value: 'Sam Seanic', email: 'sam.senic@loop.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_13.jpg' }, { value: 'Lina Nilson', email: 'lina.nilson@loop.com', initials: 'LN', initialsState: 'danger', pic: './assets/media/users/100_15.jpg' }], templates: { dropdownItem: function(tagData) { try { var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' '; html += ' ' + (tagData.initials ? tagData.initials : '') + ''; html += ' '; html += '
'; html += ' '+ (tagData.value ? tagData.value : '') + ''; html += ' ' + (tagData.email ? tagData.email : '') + ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; } catch (err) {} } }, transformTag: function(tagData) { tagData.class = 'tagify__tag tagify__tag--primary'; }, dropdown: { classname: "color-blue", enabled: 1, maxItems: 5 } }); var bccEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '[name=compose_bcc]'); var tagifyBcc = new Tagify(bccEl, { delimiters: ", ", // add new tags when a comma or a space character is entered maxTags: 10, blacklist: ["fuck", "shit", "pussy"], keepInvalidTags: true, // do not remove invalid tags (but keep them marked as invalid) whitelist: [{ value: 'Chris Muller', email: 'chris.muller@wix.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_11.jpg', class: 'tagify__tag--primary' }, { value: 'Nick Bold', email: 'nick.seo@gmail.com', initials: 'SS', initialsState: 'warning', pic: '' }, { value: 'Alon Silko', email: 'alon@keenthemes.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_6.jpg' }, { value: 'Sam Seanic', email: 'sam.senic@loop.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_8.jpg' }, { value: 'Sara Loran', email: 'sara.loran@tilda.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_9.jpg' }, { value: 'Eric Davok', email: 'davok@mix.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_13.jpg' }, { value: 'Sam Seanic', email: 'sam.senic@loop.com', initials: '', initialsState: '', pic: './assets/media/users/100_13.jpg' }, { value: 'Lina Nilson', email: 'lina.nilson@loop.com', initials: 'LN', initialsState: 'danger', pic: './assets/media/users/100_15.jpg' }], templates: { dropdownItem: function(tagData) { try { var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' '; html += ' ' + (tagData.initials ? tagData.initials : '') + ''; html += ' '; html += '
'; html += ' '+ (tagData.value ? tagData.value : '') + ''; html += ' ' + (tagData.email ? tagData.email : '') + ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; } catch (err) {} } }, transformTag: function(tagData) { tagData.class = 'tagify__tag tagify__tag--primary'; }, dropdown: { classname: "color-blue", enabled: 1, maxItems: 5 } }); // CC input show KTUtil.on(formEl, '[data-inbox="cc-show"]', 'click', function(e) { var inputEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '.inbox-to-cc'); KTUtil.removeClass(inputEl, 'd-none'); KTUtil.addClass(inputEl, 'd-flex'); KTUtil.find(formEl, "[name=compose_cc]").focus(); }); // CC input hide KTUtil.on(formEl, '[data-inbox="cc-hide"]', 'click', function(e) { var inputEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '.inbox-to-cc'); KTUtil.removeClass(inputEl, 'd-flex'); KTUtil.addClass(inputEl, 'd-none'); }); // BCC input show KTUtil.on(formEl, '[data-inbox="bcc-show"]', 'click', function(e) { var inputEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '.inbox-to-bcc'); KTUtil.removeClass(inputEl, 'd-none'); KTUtil.addClass(inputEl, 'd-flex'); KTUtil.find(formEl, "[name=compose_bcc]").focus(); }); // BCC input hide KTUtil.on(formEl, '[data-inbox="bcc-hide"]', 'click', function(e) { var inputEl = KTUtil.find(formEl, '.inbox-to-bcc'); KTUtil.removeClass(inputEl, 'd-flex'); KTUtil.addClass(inputEl, 'd-none'); }); } var _initAttachments = function(elemId) { var id = "#" + elemId; var previewNode = $(id + " .dropzone-item"); previewNode.id = ""; var previewTemplate = previewNode.parent('.dropzone-items').html(); previewNode.remove(); var myDropzone = new Dropzone(id, { // Make the whole body a dropzone url: "https://keenthemes.com/scripts/void.php", // Set the url for your upload script location parallelUploads: 20, maxFilesize: 1, // Max filesize in MB previewTemplate: previewTemplate, previewsContainer: id + " .dropzone-items", // Define the container to display the previews clickable: id + "_select" // Define the element that should be used as click trigger to select files. }); myDropzone.on("addedfile", function(file) { // Hookup the start button $(document).find(id + ' .dropzone-item').css('display', ''); }); // Update the total progress bar myDropzone.on("totaluploadprogress", function(progress) { document.querySelector(id + " .progress-bar").style.width = progress + "%"; }); myDropzone.on("sending", function(file) { // Show the total progress bar when upload starts document.querySelector(id + " .progress-bar").style.opacity = "1"; }); // Hide the total progress bar when nothing's uploading anymore myDropzone.on("complete", function(progress) { var thisProgressBar = id + " .dz-complete"; setTimeout(function() { $(thisProgressBar + " .progress-bar, " + thisProgressBar + " .progress").css('opacity', '0'); }, 300) }); } // Public methods return { // Public functions init: function() { // Init variables _asideEl = KTUtil.getById('kt_inbox_aside'); _listEl = KTUtil.getById('kt_inbox_list'); _viewEl = KTUtil.getById('kt_inbox_view'); _composeEl = KTUtil.getById('kt_inbox_compose'); _replyEl = KTUtil.getById('kt_inbox_reply'); // Init handlers KTAppInbox.initAside(); KTAppInbox.initList(); KTAppInbox.initView(); KTAppInbox.initReply(); KTAppInbox.initCompose(); }, initAside: function() { // Mobile offcanvas for mobile mode _asideOffcanvas = new KTOffcanvas(_asideEl, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas-mobile', //closeBy: 'kt_inbox_aside_close', toggleBy: 'kt_subheader_mobile_toggle' }); // View list KTUtil.on(_asideEl, '.list-item[data-action="list"]', 'click', function(e) { var type = KTUtil.attr(this, 'data-type'); var listItemsEl = KTUtil.find(_listEl, '.kt-inbox__items'); var navItemEl = this.closest('.kt-nav__item'); var navItemActiveEl = KTUtil.find(_asideEl, '.kt-nav__item.kt-nav__item--active'); // demo loading var loading = new KTDialog({ 'type': 'loader', 'placement': 'top center', 'message': 'Loading ...' }); loading.show(); setTimeout(function() { loading.hide(); KTUtil.css(_listEl, 'display', 'flex'); // show list KTUtil.css(_viewEl, 'display', 'none'); // hide view KTUtil.addClass(navItemEl, 'kt-nav__item--active'); KTUtil.removeClass(navItemActiveEl, 'kt-nav__item--active'); KTUtil.attr(listItemsEl, 'data-type', type); }, 600); }); }, initList: function() { // View message KTUtil.on(_listEl, '[data-inbox="message"]', 'click', function(e) { var actionsEl = KTUtil.find(this, '[data-inbox="actions"]'); // skip actions click if (e.target === actionsEl || (actionsEl && actionsEl.contains(e.target) === true)) { return false; } // Demo loading var loading = new KTDialog({ 'type': 'loader', 'placement': 'top center', 'message': 'Loading ...' }); loading.show(); setTimeout(function() { loading.hide(); KTUtil.addClass(_listEl, 'd-none'); KTUtil.removeClass(_listEl, 'd-block'); KTUtil.addClass(_viewEl, 'd-block'); KTUtil.removeClass(_viewEl, 'd-none'); }, 700); }); // Group selection KTUtil.on(_listEl, '[data-inbox="group-select"] input', 'click', function() { var messages = KTUtil.findAll(_listEl, '[data-inbox="message"]'); for (var i = 0, j = messages.length; i < j; i++) { var message = messages[i]; var checkbox = KTUtil.find(message, '.checkbox input'); checkbox.checked = this.checked; if (this.checked) { KTUtil.addClass(message, 'active'); } else { KTUtil.removeClass(message, 'active'); } } }); // Individual selection KTUtil.on(_listEl, '[data-inbox="message"] [data-inbox="actions"] .checkbox input', 'click', function() { var item = this.closest('[data-inbox="message"]'); if (item && this.checked) { KTUtil.addClass(item, 'active'); } else { KTUtil.removeClass(item, 'active'); } }); }, initView: function() { // Back to listing KTUtil.on(_viewEl, '[data-inbox="back"]', 'click', function() { // demo loading var loading = new KTDialog({ 'type': 'loader', 'placement': 'top center', 'message': 'Loading ...' }); loading.show(); setTimeout(function() { loading.hide(); KTUtil.addClass(_listEl, 'd-block'); KTUtil.removeClass(_listEl, 'd-none'); KTUtil.addClass(_viewEl, 'd-none'); KTUtil.removeClass(_viewEl, 'd-block'); }, 700); }); // Expand/Collapse reply KTUtil.on(_viewEl, '[data-inbox="message"]', 'click', function(e) { var message = this.closest('[data-inbox="message"]'); var dropdownToggleEl = KTUtil.find(this, '[data-toggle="dropdown"]'); var toolbarEl = KTUtil.find(this, '[data-inbox="toolbar"]'); // skip dropdown toggle click if (e.target === dropdownToggleEl || (dropdownToggleEl && dropdownToggleEl.contains(e.target) === true)) { return false; } // skip group actions click if (e.target === toolbarEl || (toolbarEl && toolbarEl.contains(e.target) === true)) { return false; } if (KTUtil.hasClass(message, 'toggle-on')) { KTUtil.addClass(message, 'toggle-off'); KTUtil.removeClass(message, 'toggle-on'); } else { KTUtil.removeClass(message, 'toggle-off'); KTUtil.addClass(message, 'toggle-on'); } }); }, initReply: function() { _initEditor(_replyEl, 'kt_inbox_reply_editor'); _initAttachments('kt_inbox_reply_attachments'); _initForm('kt_inbox_reply_form'); }, initCompose: function() { _initEditor(_composeEl, 'kt_inbox_compose_editor'); _initAttachments('kt_inbox_compose_attachments'); _initForm('kt_inbox_compose_form'); // Remove reply form KTUtil.on(_composeEl, '[data-inbox="dismiss"]', 'click', function(e) { swal.fire({ text: "Are you sure to discard this message ?", type: "danger", buttonsStyling: false, confirmButtonText: "Discard draft", confirmButtonClass: "btn btn-danger", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: "Cancel", cancelButtonClass: "btn btn-light-primary" }).then(function(result) { $(_composeEl).modal('hide'); }); }); } }; }(); // Class Initialization jQuery(document).ready(function() { KTAppInbox.init(); });