"use strict"; // Shared Colors Definition const primary = '#6993FF'; const success = '#1BC5BD'; const info = '#8950FC'; const warning = '#FFA800'; const danger = '#F64E60'; // Class definition function generateBubbleData(baseval, count, yrange) { var i = 0; var series = []; while (i < count) { var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (750 - 1 + 1)) + 1;; var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * (75 - 15 + 1)) + 15; series.push([x, y, z]); baseval += 86400000; i++; } return series; } function generateData(count, yrange) { var i = 0; var series = []; while (i < count) { var x = 'w' + (i + 1).toString(); var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; series.push({ x: x, y: y }); i++; } return series; } var KTApexChartsDemo = function () { // Private functions var _demo1 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_1"; var options = { series: [{ name: "Desktops", data: [10, 41, 35, 51, 49, 62, 69, 91, 148] }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'line', zoom: { enabled: false } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'straight' }, grid: { row: { colors: ['#f3f3f3', 'transparent'], // takes an array which will be repeated on columns opacity: 0.5 }, }, xaxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep'], }, colors: [primary] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo2 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_2"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [31, 40, 28, 51, 42, 109, 100] }, { name: 'series2', data: [11, 32, 45, 32, 34, 52, 41] }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'area' }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-09-19T00:00:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T01:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T02:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T03:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T04:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T05:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T06:30:00.000Z"] }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, }, colors: [primary, success] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo3 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_3"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Net Profit', data: [44, 55, 57, 56, 61, 58, 63, 60, 66] }, { name: 'Revenue', data: [76, 85, 101, 98, 87, 105, 91, 114, 94] }, { name: 'Free Cash Flow', data: [35, 41, 36, 26, 45, 48, 52, 53, 41] }], chart: { type: 'bar', height: 350 }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, columnWidth: '55%', endingShape: 'rounded' }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { show: true, width: 2, colors: ['transparent'] }, xaxis: { categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct'], }, yaxis: { title: { text: '$ (thousands)' } }, fill: { opacity: 1 }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function (val) { return "$ " + val + " thousands" } } }, colors: [primary, success, warning] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo4 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_4"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Marine Sprite', data: [44, 55, 41, 37, 22, 43, 21] }, { name: 'Striking Calf', data: [53, 32, 33, 52, 13, 43, 32] }, { name: 'Tank Picture', data: [12, 17, 11, 9, 15, 11, 20] }, { name: 'Bucket Slope', data: [9, 7, 5, 8, 6, 9, 4] }, { name: 'Reborn Kid', data: [25, 12, 19, 32, 25, 24, 10] }], chart: { type: 'bar', height: 350, stacked: true, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: true, }, }, stroke: { width: 1, colors: ['#fff'] }, title: { text: 'Fiction Books Sales' }, xaxis: { categories: [2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014], labels: { formatter: function (val) { return val + "K" } } }, yaxis: { title: { text: undefined }, }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function (val) { return val + "K" } } }, fill: { opacity: 1 }, legend: { position: 'top', horizontalAlign: 'left', offsetX: 40 }, colors: [primary, success, warning, danger, info] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo5 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_5"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Income', type: 'column', data: [1.4, 2, 2.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.8, 3.8, 4.6] }, { name: 'Cashflow', type: 'column', data: [1.1, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1, 4.9, 6.5, 8.5] }, { name: 'Revenue', type: 'line', data: [20, 29, 37, 36, 44, 45, 50, 58] }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'line', stacked: false }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: [1, 1, 4] }, title: { text: 'XYZ - Stock Analysis (2009 - 2016)', align: 'left', offsetX: 110 }, xaxis: { categories: [2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016], }, yaxis: [ { axisTicks: { show: true, }, axisBorder: { show: true, color: primary }, labels: { style: { colors: primary, } }, title: { text: "Income (thousand crores)", style: { color: primary, } }, tooltip: { enabled: true } }, { seriesName: 'Income', opposite: true, axisTicks: { show: true, }, axisBorder: { show: true, color: success }, labels: { style: { colors: success, } }, title: { text: "Operating Cashflow (thousand crores)", style: { color: success, } }, }, { seriesName: 'Revenue', opposite: true, axisTicks: { show: true, }, axisBorder: { show: true, color: warning }, labels: { style: { colors: warning, }, }, title: { text: "Revenue (thousand crores)", style: { color: warning, } } }, ], tooltip: { fixed: { enabled: true, position: 'topLeft', // topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft offsetY: 30, offsetX: 60 }, }, legend: { horizontalAlign: 'left', offsetX: 40 } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo6 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_6"; var options = { series: [ { data: [ { x: 'Analysis', y: [ new Date('2019-02-27').getTime(), new Date('2019-03-04').getTime() ], fillColor: primary }, { x: 'Design', y: [ new Date('2019-03-04').getTime(), new Date('2019-03-08').getTime() ], fillColor: success }, { x: 'Coding', y: [ new Date('2019-03-07').getTime(), new Date('2019-03-10').getTime() ], fillColor: info }, { x: 'Testing', y: [ new Date('2019-03-08').getTime(), new Date('2019-03-12').getTime() ], fillColor: warning }, { x: 'Deployment', y: [ new Date('2019-03-12').getTime(), new Date('2019-03-17').getTime() ], fillColor: danger } ] } ], chart: { height: 350, type: 'rangeBar' }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: true, distributed: true, dataLabels: { hideOverflowingLabels: false } } }, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function (val, opts) { var label = opts.w.globals.labels[opts.dataPointIndex] var a = moment(val[0]) var b = moment(val[1]) var diff = b.diff(a, 'days') return label + ': ' + diff + (diff > 1 ? ' days' : ' day') }, style: { colors: ['#f3f4f5', '#fff'] } }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: { show: false }, grid: { row: { colors: ['#f3f4f5', '#fff'], opacity: 1 } } }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo7 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_7"; var options = { series: [{ data: [{ x: new Date(1538778600000), y: [6629.81, 6650.5, 6623.04, 6633.33] }, { x: new Date(1538780400000), y: [6632.01, 6643.59, 6620, 6630.11] }, { x: new Date(1538782200000), y: [6630.71, 6648.95, 6623.34, 6635.65] }, { x: new Date(1538784000000), y: [6635.65, 6651, 6629.67, 6638.24] }, { x: new Date(1538785800000), y: [6638.24, 6640, 6620, 6624.47] }, { x: new Date(1538787600000), y: [6624.53, 6636.03, 6621.68, 6624.31] }, { x: new Date(1538789400000), y: [6624.61, 6632.2, 6617, 6626.02] }, { x: new Date(1538791200000), y: [6627, 6627.62, 6584.22, 6603.02] }, { x: new Date(1538793000000), y: [6605, 6608.03, 6598.95, 6604.01] }, { x: new Date(1538794800000), y: [6604.5, 6614.4, 6602.26, 6608.02] }, { x: new Date(1538796600000), y: [6608.02, 6610.68, 6601.99, 6608.91] }, { x: new Date(1538798400000), y: [6608.91, 6618.99, 6608.01, 6612] }, { x: new Date(1538800200000), y: [6612, 6615.13, 6605.09, 6612] }, { x: new Date(1538802000000), y: [6612, 6624.12, 6608.43, 6622.95] }, { x: new Date(1538803800000), y: [6623.91, 6623.91, 6615, 6615.67] }, { x: new Date(1538805600000), y: [6618.69, 6618.74, 6610, 6610.4] }, { x: new Date(1538807400000), y: [6611, 6622.78, 6610.4, 6614.9] }, { x: new Date(1538809200000), y: [6614.9, 6626.2, 6613.33, 6623.45] }, { x: new Date(1538811000000), y: [6623.48, 6627, 6618.38, 6620.35] }, { x: new Date(1538812800000), y: [6619.43, 6620.35, 6610.05, 6615.53] }, { x: new Date(1538814600000), y: [6615.53, 6617.93, 6610, 6615.19] }, { x: new Date(1538816400000), y: [6615.19, 6621.6, 6608.2, 6620] }, { x: new Date(1538818200000), y: [6619.54, 6625.17, 6614.15, 6620] }, { x: new Date(1538820000000), y: [6620.33, 6634.15, 6617.24, 6624.61] }, { x: new Date(1538821800000), y: [6625.95, 6626, 6611.66, 6617.58] }, { x: new Date(1538823600000), y: [6619, 6625.97, 6595.27, 6598.86] }, { x: new Date(1538825400000), y: [6598.86, 6598.88, 6570, 6587.16] }, { x: new Date(1538827200000), y: [6588.86, 6600, 6580, 6593.4] }, { x: new Date(1538829000000), y: [6593.99, 6598.89, 6585, 6587.81] }, { x: new Date(1538830800000), y: [6587.81, 6592.73, 6567.14, 6578] }, { x: new Date(1538832600000), y: [6578.35, 6581.72, 6567.39, 6579] }, { x: new Date(1538834400000), y: [6579.38, 6580.92, 6566.77, 6575.96] }, { x: new Date(1538836200000), y: [6575.96, 6589, 6571.77, 6588.92] }, { x: new Date(1538838000000), y: [6588.92, 6594, 6577.55, 6589.22] }, { x: new Date(1538839800000), y: [6589.3, 6598.89, 6589.1, 6596.08] }, { x: new Date(1538841600000), y: [6597.5, 6600, 6588.39, 6596.25] }, { x: new Date(1538843400000), y: [6598.03, 6600, 6588.73, 6595.97] }, { x: new Date(1538845200000), y: [6595.97, 6602.01, 6588.17, 6602] }, { x: new Date(1538847000000), y: [6602, 6607, 6596.51, 6599.95] }, { x: new Date(1538848800000), y: [6600.63, 6601.21, 6590.39, 6591.02] }, { x: new Date(1538850600000), y: [6591.02, 6603.08, 6591, 6591] }, { x: new Date(1538852400000), y: [6591, 6601.32, 6585, 6592] }, { x: new Date(1538854200000), y: [6593.13, 6596.01, 6590, 6593.34] }, { x: new Date(1538856000000), y: [6593.34, 6604.76, 6582.63, 6593.86] }, { x: new Date(1538857800000), y: [6593.86, 6604.28, 6586.57, 6600.01] }, { x: new Date(1538859600000), y: [6601.81, 6603.21, 6592.78, 6596.25] }, { x: new Date(1538861400000), y: [6596.25, 6604.2, 6590, 6602.99] }, { x: new Date(1538863200000), y: [6602.99, 6606, 6584.99, 6587.81] }, { x: new Date(1538865000000), y: [6587.81, 6595, 6583.27, 6591.96] }, { x: new Date(1538866800000), y: [6591.97, 6596.07, 6585, 6588.39] }, { x: new Date(1538868600000), y: [6587.6, 6598.21, 6587.6, 6594.27] }, { x: new Date(1538870400000), y: [6596.44, 6601, 6590, 6596.55] }, { x: new Date(1538872200000), y: [6598.91, 6605, 6596.61, 6600.02] }, { x: new Date(1538874000000), y: [6600.55, 6605, 6589.14, 6593.01] }, { x: new Date(1538875800000), y: [6593.15, 6605, 6592, 6603.06] }, { x: new Date(1538877600000), y: [6603.07, 6604.5, 6599.09, 6603.89] }, { x: new Date(1538879400000), y: [6604.44, 6604.44, 6600, 6603.5] }, { x: new Date(1538881200000), y: [6603.5, 6603.99, 6597.5, 6603.86] }, { x: new Date(1538883000000), y: [6603.85, 6605, 6600, 6604.07] }, { x: new Date(1538884800000), y: [6604.98, 6606, 6604.07, 6606] }, ] }], chart: { type: 'candlestick', height: 350 }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: { tooltip: { enabled: true } }, colors: [success,danger] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo8 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_8"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Bubble1', data: generateBubbleData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }, { name: 'Bubble2', data: generateBubbleData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }, { name: 'Bubble3', data: generateBubbleData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }, { name: 'Bubble4', data: generateBubbleData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'bubble', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, fill: { opacity: 0.8 }, xaxis: { tickAmount: 12, type: 'category', }, yaxis: { max: 70 }, colors: [primary, success, warning, danger] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo9 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_9"; var options = { series: [{ name: "SAMPLE A", data: [ [16.4, 5.4], [21.7, 2], [25.4, 3], [19, 2], [10.9, 1], [13.6, 3.2], [10.9, 7.4], [10.9, 0], [10.9, 8.2], [16.4, 0], [16.4, 1.8], [13.6, 0.3], [13.6, 0], [29.9, 0], [27.1, 2.3], [16.4, 0], [13.6, 3.7], [10.9, 5.2], [16.4, 6.5], [10.9, 0], [24.5, 7.1], [10.9, 0], [8.1, 4.7], [19, 0], [21.7, 1.8], [27.1, 0], [24.5, 0], [27.1, 0], [29.9, 1.5], [27.1, 0.8], [22.1, 2]] }, { name: "SAMPLE B", data: [ [36.4, 13.4], [1.7, 11], [5.4, 8], [9, 17], [1.9, 4], [3.6, 12.2], [1.9, 14.4], [1.9, 9], [1.9, 13.2], [1.4, 7], [6.4, 8.8], [3.6, 4.3], [1.6, 10], [9.9, 2], [7.1, 15], [1.4, 0], [3.6, 13.7], [1.9, 15.2], [6.4, 16.5], [0.9, 10], [4.5, 17.1], [10.9, 10], [0.1, 14.7], [9, 10], [12.7, 11.8], [2.1, 10], [2.5, 10], [27.1, 10], [2.9, 11.5], [7.1, 10.8], [2.1, 12]] }, { name: "SAMPLE C", data: [ [21.7, 3], [23.6, 3.5], [24.6, 3], [29.9, 3], [21.7, 20], [23, 2], [10.9, 3], [28, 4], [27.1, 0.3], [16.4, 4], [13.6, 0], [19, 5], [22.4, 3], [24.5, 3], [32.6, 3], [27.1, 4], [29.6, 6], [31.6, 8], [21.6, 5], [20.9, 4], [22.4, 0], [32.6, 10.3], [29.7, 20.8], [24.5, 0.8], [21.4, 0], [21.7, 6.9], [28.6, 7.7], [15.4, 0], [18.1, 0], [33.4, 0], [16.4, 0]] }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'scatter', zoom: { enabled: true, type: 'xy' } }, xaxis: { tickAmount: 10, labels: { formatter: function (val) { return parseFloat(val).toFixed(1) } } }, yaxis: { tickAmount: 7 }, colors: [primary, success, warning] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo10 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_10"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Jan', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Feb', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Mar', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Apr', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'May', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Jun', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Jul', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Aug', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) }, { name: 'Sep', data: generateData(20, { min: -30, max: 55 }) } ], chart: { height: 350, type: 'heatmap', }, plotOptions: { heatmap: { shadeIntensity: 0.5, colorScale: { ranges: [{ from: -30, to: 5, name: 'low', color: success }, { from: 6, to: 20, name: 'medium', color: primary }, { from: 21, to: 45, name: 'high', color: warning }, { from: 46, to: 55, name: 'extreme', color: danger } ] } } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo11 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_11"; var options = { series: [44, 55, 41, 17, 15], chart: { width: 380, type: 'donut', }, responsive: [{ breakpoint: 480, options: { chart: { width: 200 }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } } }], colors: [primary, success, warning, danger, info] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo12 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_12"; var options = { series: [44, 55, 13, 43, 22], chart: { width: 380, type: 'pie', }, labels: ['Team A', 'Team B', 'Team C', 'Team D', 'Team E'], responsive: [{ breakpoint: 480, options: { chart: { width: 200 }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } } }], colors: [primary, success, warning, danger, info] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo13 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_13"; var options = { series: [44, 55, 67, 83], chart: { height: 350, type: 'radialBar', }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { dataLabels: { name: { fontSize: '22px', }, value: { fontSize: '16px', }, total: { show: true, label: 'Total', formatter: function (w) { // By default this function returns the average of all series. The below is just an example to show the use of custom formatter function return 249 } } } } }, labels: ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Bananas', 'Berries'], colors: [primary, success, warning, danger] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } var _demo14 = function () { const apexChart = "#chart_14"; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Series 1', data: [80, 50, 30, 40, 100, 20], }, { name: 'Series 2', data: [20, 30, 40, 80, 20, 80], }, { name: 'Series 3', data: [44, 76, 78, 13, 43, 10], }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'radar', dropShadow: { enabled: true, blur: 1, left: 1, top: 1 } }, stroke: { width: 0 }, fill: { opacity: 0.4 }, markers: { size: 0 }, xaxis: { categories: ['2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'] }, colors: [primary, success, warning] }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(apexChart), options); chart.render(); } return { // public functions init: function () { _demo1(); _demo2(); _demo3(); _demo4(); _demo5(); _demo6(); _demo7(); _demo8(); _demo9(); _demo10(); _demo11(); _demo12(); _demo13(); _demo14(); } }; }(); jQuery(document).ready(function () { KTApexChartsDemo.init(); });