"use strict"; // Class definition var KTSweetAlert2Demo = function () { var _init = function () { // Sweetalert Demo 1 $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_1').click(function (e) { Swal.fire('Good job!'); }); // Sweetalert Demo 2 $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_2').click(function (e) { Swal.fire("Here's the title!", "...and here's the text!"); }); // Sweetalert Demo 3 $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_3_1').click(function (e) { Swal.fire("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "warning"); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_3_2').click(function (e) { Swal.fire("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "error"); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_3_3').click(function (e) { Swal.fire("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "success"); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_3_4').click(function (e) { Swal.fire("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "info"); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_3_5').click(function (e) { Swal.fire("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "question"); }); // Sweetalert Demo 4 $("#kt_sweetalert_demo_4").click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: "Good job!", text: "You clicked the button!", icon: "success", buttonsStyling: false, confirmButtonText: "Confirm me!", customClass: { confirmButton: "btn btn-primary" } }); }); // Sweetalert Demo 5 $("#kt_sweetalert_demo_5").click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: "Good job!", text: "You clicked the button!", icon: "success", buttonsStyling: false, confirmButtonText: " I am game!", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: " No, thanks", customClass: { confirmButton: "btn btn-danger", cancelButton: "btn btn-default" } }); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_6').click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ position: 'top-right', icon: 'success', title: 'Your work has been saved', showConfirmButton: false, timer: 1500 }); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_7').click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: 'jQuery HTML example', showClass: { popup: 'animate__animated animate__wobble' }, hideClass: { popup: 'animate__animated animate__swing' } }); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_8').click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: "You won't be able to revert this!", icon: 'warning', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Yes, delete it!' }).then(function (result) { if (result.value) { Swal.fire( 'Deleted!', 'Your file has been deleted.', 'success' ) } }); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_9').click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: "You won't be able to revert this!", icon: 'warning', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Yes, delete it!', cancelButtonText: 'No, cancel!', reverseButtons: true }).then(function (result) { if (result.value) { Swal.fire( 'Deleted!', 'Your file has been deleted.', 'success' ) // result.dismiss can be 'cancel', 'overlay', // 'close', and 'timer' } else if (result.dismiss === 'cancel') { Swal.fire( 'Cancelled', 'Your imaginary file is safe :)', 'error' ) } }); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_10').click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: 'Sweet!', text: 'Modal with a custom image.', imageUrl: 'https://unsplash.it/400/200', imageWidth: 400, imageHeight: 200, imageAlt: 'Custom image', animation: false }); }); $('#kt_sweetalert_demo_11').click(function (e) { Swal.fire({ title: 'Auto close alert!', text: 'I will close in 5 seconds.', timer: 5000, onOpen: function () { Swal.showLoading() } }).then(function (result) { if (result.dismiss === 'timer') { console.log('I was closed by the timer') } }) }); }; return { // Init init: function () { _init(); }, }; }(); // Class Initialization jQuery(document).ready(function () { KTSweetAlert2Demo.init(); });